Varicose veins: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Compression underwear for varicose veins

Varicose veins are a very common disease today. Because of this, many different methods have been invented to carry out preventive measures and get rid of the problem.

Non-drug treatment methods include medical compression stockings for varicose veins. Such a varicose vein jersey is usually made from special fibers. It has a very high strength and stretches very well. Thanks to the compression effect on the surface of the leg, it is possible to prevent the vessel walls of the veins from further stretching. In addition to this constant compression effect, it improves the outflow of venous blood and lymph from the extremities. Blood congestion is the main cause of painful traction pain in the lower extremities, especially during various types of work.

Elastic anti-varicose vein medical stockings are indicated for prevention in the event of illness. Depending on the intended use of a knitting device, several options for stockings can be distinguished:

  • Preventive medical jersey. They have a slight degree of compression and are intended for preventive measures.
  • Medical compression stockings against varicose veins. This version of the compression stockings against varicose veins is intended for the treatment of various forms of varicose veins. Healing varicose vein stockings come into consideration with the second and higher compression rate.

Why are medical compression stockings for varicose veins effective in treating disease?

To achieve results in eliminating varicose veins, it is necessary to use complex methods of treatment. Elastic medical stockings for varicose veins are one of the methods of complex treatment, along with special preparations that allow you to feel lightness in your legs and get rid of the manifestations of varicose veins. Of course, it all depends on the stage of development of the disease. Since serious pathological changes occur in deep veins, it is necessary to resort to surgical methods of treatment. In this case, varicose vein stockings will not help in the treatment of the disease.

To prevent the appearance of varicose veins with such a predisposition, medical elastic stockings with a slight compression can be used. In this case, it is important to consider what kind of lifestyle you are leading. Because for more active people, stockings are not a comfortable option. Medical anti-varicose vein compression jersey in golf shape is more suitable for an active lifestyle. This version of underwear assumes an active lifestyle, allows you to move, does not hinder movement.

Medical compression stockings for varicose veins can be used to help eliminate the effects of varicose veins. Among these, the presence of edema of the legs, as well as poor outflow of venous blood, can be distinguished. To counteract these phenomena, it is necessary to use elastic medical compression stockings above the second degree of compression. In this case, the doctor should choose compression stockings against varicose veins. The compression ratio option can only be clearly determined on the basis of the results of the analyzes.

What should be considered when choosing compression stockings against varicose veins?

When choosing medical elastic stockings for varicose veins, it is imperative to refer to the manufacturer's instructions. For example, when recommending wearing compression stockings of the second compression degree, it is absolutely necessary to ask your doctor about the values in millimeters of mercury. Because this value makes it possible to estimate the actual degree of compression of the leg walls by elastic knitwear. Some manufacturers use different metrics when classifying products based on compression ratios. Therefore, this indicator may differ in reality for different knitwear with the same pressure on the package.

Medical compression stockings must be selected based on size. Usually the manufacturer itself offers a size chart for medical elastic underwear. Based on measurements of the circumference of the lower leg and thigh, you can determine the version of the product. Compression stockings against varicose veins have to fit perfectly. Too much compression will cause discomfort during use of the product, and too little pressure will not result in a therapeutic effect.

Elastic stockings from varicose veins will help prevent the development of the disease. However, it is not possible to return the legs to their previous state. Therefore, it is imperative to use other medical methods of treating varicose veins for more noticeable results.

Why is underwear effective against varicose veins?

The effectiveness of compression knitwear against varicose veins is shown in the presence of elastic fibers in their composition. Elastic fibers allow the walls of the legs to be squeezed together with the walls of the blood vessels. Due to the expansion of the vessel walls, they expand. Thus, varicose vein blood is constantly retained and poorly circulates in the limbs. In addition, various symptoms of varicose veins occur, for example swelling of the legs and a feeling of heaviness. Anti-varicose vein knitwear allows you to apply moderate pressure to the walls of the blood vessels to improve blood circulation. First, microcirculation improves. Tissues are better saturated with nutrients that they were previously lacking.

Second, when using elastic knitted stockings made from varicose veins, the pressure is distributed from the bottom up. This allows you to effectively squeeze out venous blood and prevent stagnation. It is similar with lymph. Therefore, with this method of treating varicose veins, the edema disappears.

Medical compression stockings help in the postoperative phase, as the vein walls can be stretched again. The recurrence of varicose veins can be avoided thanks to the moderate compression effect of the elastic material.

The preventive effect is reduced to preventing the vein walls from stretching through moderate compression.